October 17, 2011

It was time to step it up!

After a while of doing research and laying low I decided I wanted to do things right.  When I was about 15 I hacked into my older brother's E-bay account and started looking for supplies.  I finally ordered my first boxes of sterile needles! I also ordered a single sponge clamp which I later realized is very limiting.  Because I did not know any better I ended up ordering a box of 14g and 18g... 18g were useless for most of the piercings I wanted LOL.  In fact I still have the nearly completely full box til this day.  The 14g were useful though and I did many piercings with them up until the second day of my apprenticeship when I was 20. 
  • I did two piercings on the angle to each side of my navel piercing; these did not heal well at all.  When I was in band camp (yes, band camp, I was in Color Guard and I still love it! haha) they both began to bleed sporadically so I decided to just take them out.  
  • I also shortly sported a labret for which I donned a regular earring because I was trying to emulate my favorite Color Guard instructor.  I knew the jewelry was wrong though and my instructor scorned me so I took it off the next day.
  • I also did the side of my lip which came out fine, I had ordered some rings and labret studs for it.  The only problem with this one is that I had to constantly take it out for football games and pep rallies so it developed a bit of scar tissue.  I still have the tiny indent/partial hole from where it used to be.  I think I finally gave up on it after I left it out for too long and it closed.  
  • At one point I also did a second tongue piercing which was pretty cool.  It was too close to the original one though so it never really healed very well and was a bit of a pain.  
Now for sooooome reason, I think I may have lost my 14g needles, I did my septum completely differently.  I was 17 and I purchased a sewing needle that was about a 12g!  I had some sort of concern about being able to make the jewelry transfer and wanting to pierce it at a much bigger size.  The jewelry was only a 16g so I am only guessing I lost my 14g needles. This was probably the slowest and MOST painful of my piercings.  I remember having to chant to myself in my head about how badly I wanted it.

 (LOL at the duck face and photoshop effects, twas the age of silliness 
but I looked mad cute if I do say so myself <3)

After this I was pretty much set.  Nobody had their septum pierced, I was definitely the baddest beesh LOL.  I was kind of done for a while after this and didn't do many more piercings until I became an apprentice.  I was satisfied with my look and I loved it! You may be wondering what happened with my Mom.  She gave up! LOL She realized they were only temporary and I wasn't a bad kid, I didn't do drugs or drink, I had good grades and all I wanted were some extra holes <3 Next time we finally get to how I finally scored my apprenticeship! ^.^

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